The Families With Diabetes National Network (FWD NN) is about families who have children with diabetes.
The National Paediatric Diabetes Network, chaired by Fiona Campbell, was set up in 2009 and consists of 10 regional networks each chaired by a lead clinician. Each network has its cohort of paediatric diabetes clinics, with their multi-disciplinary teams, as members.
The aims of the Network are to implement the nationally agreed Improvement Plans and the various aspects of the Best Practice Tariff which have come recently into effect.
Part of the network plan was to create a Patient/Parent/Carer reference group, to allow direct influence from those using the paediatric centres to feed into the national agenda.
The group named themselves FWD NN – the Families with Diabetes National Network – as we see ourselves as part of the progress toward the future better care of all our children. It is important to have "Family" in our name as a diagnosis of Diabetes in a child has an effect on the whole family, mothers and fathers but also brothers, sisters and grandparents.
We are now independently run and managed by parents. We plan to meet twice a year at the National Paediatric Diabetes Network meeting and regularly throughout the year by Skype.
Please join the Facebook Group for the Network in your area:
East Midlands
East of England
North East & North Cumbria
North West
South East Coast & London
South West
Thames Valley & Wessex
West Midlands
Yorkshire & The Humber