Facebook Groups
UK CWD AG (UK Children with Diabetes Advocacy Group) group for Parents and Carers of Children with Diabetes
CWD UK Education – from nursery through to University
CWD UK Teens with Diabetes for kids aged 13-15 years old
CWD Young Adults with Diabetes 16-25 years old
For those not on facebook we have a Yahoo group which can be used like a mailing list:
CWD UK Yahoo support and discussion group
Who are we?
The Children with Diabetes UK (CWD UK) online groups and the Children with Diabetes UK Advocacy Group are patient-led support groups for families of children with diabetes living in the UK. It is run by families of children with diabetes. The UK mailing list was founded in 2002 and the UK CWD Advocacy Group was formed in 2006. For over 13 years the mailing list service was provided and supported by Children with Diabetes which operates as an Ohio-based. a not-for-profit corporation, but as technology changed we are now based on Facebook and have a Yahoo Group in place of the original mailing list.
What do we do?
The groups are open to parents/carers who want to discuss all of the personal and scientific aspects of diabetes in children and how it affects their families lives. We aim to support families with newly diagnosed children or any families who wish to discuss raising a child with diabetes. Our objectives are to increase knowledge and awareness about diabetes and its treatment in children and young people. We share experiences of living with diabetes. We support families who are having problems achieving good control, we increase awareness about new treatments and insulin pump therapy, we support families who are experiencing difficulties in getting support for their children while they are at school or in hospitals. We feel strongly that schools should be given the necessary help and guidance to provide excellent support for children at school. We advocate working in partnership with schools/school personnel with the help of other Patient Groups such as Diabetes UK, INPUT, iPAG, and Juvenile Diabetes Research Foundation to help schools and hospitals to help our children.
All families in England and Wales should join their local Network Group to make their voice heard – More information and all Groups are listed Here